Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hardeners in the space

Like anybody living in w-space, it's quite common to find offline towers, and most of them are surrounded by the mods and defenses that were deployed around the force field when they were active.

You can shoot hangars and other type of structure to try to find some loot, but you can not get any defense module if you don't bash the tower first, and that's a totally unworthy effort, as they have large amount of HP and those mods are just a few millions of ISK.

Today, I found another offline tower, but the main difference was being the first time I see only hardeners and nicely aligned to the tower. I really enjoyed the beautiful sight.


You wanted an U574? Take some!

Sunday afternoon, time to see what EVE will provide today.

As starters, our C4 static is gone, so I get my alt Kippel with his cheetah and send it to scan. It doesn't take long to find it. I warp to the signature and jump into.

As always, first thing do to, check dscan, nothing, so lets see what we can find in this hole. A quick look shows 24 signatures! This is going to be a long while scanning.

I deploy my Sister Probes and start scanning, some gas.... and a weak signal of a wormhole, perhaps it's the static of this system, an U574 (C6). I continue focusing on that signal and I resolve it, yes, the static, I add a bookmark and continue scanning.

Further scanning shows another U574, and another, and another, WTF?! It seems this is a bugged C4, and it's not the first time it happens according to my corp colleagues. This C4 system is connected to a lot of C6 systems so it becomes like hub for them.

C4 with bugged static

There are still a lot of signatures to resolve and as we continue scanning, we keep finding more. So far, I only have seen activity in one wormhole and an Anathema cloaking at J144420. I wait a few minutes and I decide to take a look into that system again to see what kind of activity - if any - is there.